Shoppers today expect more than a great selection of products when they go into the store—they want an elevated experience. And while exciting grand opening events and flashy holiday parties will of course grab shoppers’ attention, the day-to-day interactions with friendly, knowledge Sales Advisors also goes a long way to building long-term loyalty. That’s what Lead Sales Advisor Jocelyn Horstemeier has discovered over the last 18 months as she’s helped turn grocery shopping from a boring chore to an informative journey for customers.
“Shoppers enjoy being educated on both the products and the companies that produce them. They want to be informed about what they are buying, but often don’t have the time to do the research themselves,” she explains. “I try to be highly educated on products and to share that with shoppers. That way they come to know that they can count on me to be informative and trust in that information.”
Horstemeier recalls one recent experience where a shopper was so thankful for her knowledgeable assistance, he credited her with saving his weekend. “The man was shopping for out-of-town visitors who were on a gluten-free diet,” she recounts. “The product I was demonstrating was gluten-free. He was able to try it and know it was delicious. I also informed him of numerous preparation options. He informed me that I was ‘a lifesaver’ and ‘saved him so much stress.’”
“When it comes to the products we sell, knowledge is a very powerful tool,” Horstemeier concludes. “The customers love to be knowledgeable and to go home feeling confident in their purchases.”