Bharat Rupani
The Things That Unite Us
There are some things in life that transcend culture, geography and even language. Food and personal experiences are two that come to mind. Food brings people together—it has for centuries. From everyday meals to major holidays around the world, food is a key ingredient that binds us.
As a company, food and people are at the core of what we do. We engage with people; we create an experience for them; and oftentimes food is essential to that engagement. Whether our Sales Advisors are sharing recipe ideas with consumers, our sales teams are creating a one-of-a-kind program for a retailer, or our recruiting team is hard at work finding the best people in the business to join our team, end-to-end we are a people-focused company.
Later this month many of us will celebrate Thanksgiving, one of the most revered holidays for giving thanks and coming together to celebrate by sharing food. In all its splendor, Thanksgiving showcases our inherent need for sustenance and connecting with others.
I am thankful for all of our teams, from those in the office to those representing us on the front line. We couldn’t be successful without you. To our partners, I am grateful for the trust you have placed in Interactions and SAS to engage with your consumers and deliver an elevated retail experience.
All my best,
Bharat Rupani
President Retail Services