Kevin Warren
Business Analyst
Most companies have their “Bread and Butter” reports that they issue regularly to supply the company’s decision makers with necessary information to deal with foreseen issues. However, we all know that unforeseen issues are about as a consistent mainstay in business as Derek Jeter has been with the New York Yankees over the past 20 years.
The naturally progressing speed of doing business causesnew questions to arise at a faster pace, which increases time spent on producing new reports to answer these questions. In turn, those same new information-packed reports created to answer the initial questions usually cause the next level of questions to arise almost immediately—thus perpetuating the never-ending cycle of work that is the life of a reporting analyst.
Thanks to the current integration of Tableau/RetailLogic™ within the Meijer account, we have seen improvements to the functionality, usability, versatility and speed at all reporting levels. From showing Sales Advisors how many units they moved during their events last week to providing Directors with monthly overviews of their product category performance among all regions, we can now answer more questions at a faster pace than ever before.
This is exciting progress on the back-end business side of things. As a result, the Elite Analytics Group is looking forward to being able to serve our partners with greater speed and efficiency.
![]() Kevin Warren |