Part of enjoying your work and succeeding at it is staying safe and healthy while you do it. Though you may not be working at a construction site, every workplace has its hazards and every worker can be at risk. Making a game plan for safety can help keep you happy and healthy on the job—and off!
Offensive Play #1: Be Innovative
Look around you, and think about better, safer ways to work. A retail environment can be hectic and filled with obstacles. Think of ways to remove or avoid hazards and injury. Be a part of the solution by solving problems. Remember, you are an ambassador for safety.
Offensive Play #2: Work Smart
Working smart means working safe. Remember to follow proper safety guidelines by using the right tools for the job (such as using scissors instead of a knife for opening bags or plastic packages), always getting a buddy to lift heavy objects, allowing products to cool before serving and notifying your manager of any unsafe conditions. If you don’t know how to do something safely, ask for training before you start the task.
Defensive Backup: Show Excellence
Strive to be the best in class. Keep your area clean and organized to provide an excellent experience for shoppers and a safe environment for yourself and your coworkers. For example, wipe up spills and dispose of any trash right away to help protect against slips, trips or other accidents.